The Freelance products is a family of rail-mounted modules, consisting of CPUs, communication modules, power supply modules, and various accessories. There are four CPU modules to choose from, ranging from single units with medium processing power and memory to fully redundant units with high processing power.
A CPU module is the central part of the Freelance controller. It provides a high-performance processor for multitasking and executing fast loop cycle times. It comes with three onboard 100 Mbit/s Ethernet network connections and two serial interfaces. A third serial interface is reserved for diagnosis purposes and radio clock connection.
Coupler bus slots and an I/O bus interface enables adding further modules left and right to the CPU modules. An optional front panel display shows the status and diagnostic information directly at the module. Operating modes can be modified by switches on the front panel.
Software version 2016 or higher is mandatory. White housing. Display Unit TD 951F and Battery TA 951F are not included.